Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!

I hope everybody got what they wanted for Christmas. As usual my brother knows me best and I pulled through with couple unusual collectables that made me very happy.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween or can I still call it Zombtober?

Trying to get myself into the holiday spirit before taking my kid out trick-or-treating, to help me along I thought I'd post some old pictures of my Undead army. Please forgive the lack of editorializing, this is more of an image dump.

The characters and what not:

The Troops:

Starting with my favorite Zombies ever. Made by BlackTree but sadly missing from their catalog now. I rather like the risen from the battlefield look over the usual graveyard zombies:

Just zombies:

HeroQuest skeletons converted to zombies:

Bye bye!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Imperial Army fire support.

A few recent ebay purchases.
I haven't had a chance to use these in any recent games but if I recall correctly (back 20+ years ago) the Tarantula worked quite well in its role of sniping out vehicles and such. The Rapier on the other hand looks pretty cool but if I recall proved disappointing in practice, with the crew easily getting killed.  The Thudd Gun I have little recollection of and I need to sort through my White Dwarfs and find the rules for it.


I think something like the Ontos is what I had in mind when deploying a Rapier

Thudd Gun

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Pirates WIP: 5 Challenge Project done

Finished the wild space Celt. I'm calling this project done.

The three amigos

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Pirates WIP:4

Another pirate finished.

I was going for an aged bronze look.  I think it looks pretty good, looks like something out of Fallout.  The head doesn't seem too large to me at all now that he's all painted up.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Pirates WIP: 3 1 finished

1 finished, 2 to go.

Nothing particularly special, just a pirate dude.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Pirates WIP: 2

Got some work done on the pirates.

The gentlemen on the left I used an Empire Militia head, gives a nice classic piratey look. I'll Call him Patchy.

The guy in the middle is a Bob Olley sculpt and has some unusual proportions. The head I used is probably a bit too large and initially looked terrible, but with the addition of a shoulder pad it helped tie in the scale.  He has tiny little feet though... He looks like such the hard bitten warrior of numberless campaigns... then you see his dainty little feet!  I'll call him Därthmäl Twinkletoes

The last guy is one of the infamous space Celts you've heard so mush about. Used heads and hand from the Warlords games Celts with some green stuff to tie it all in. He's called Brenus the Brainless or maybe just Biff.

Pirates for Chico's challenge

A few guys I pulled from the pirate pile. Lets see if I can get these guys converted and painted by the end of the week in time for Chico's challenge:

Friday, August 29, 2014

Pirates on the workbench.

Pirates, privateers, thugs, hoodlums, ships crew, militia, insurrectionists, rogue trader's entourage, working stiffs, whatever you want to call them.
They've been on the work bench before hopefully this time I'll stick to it.

One of my favorites of the bunch. Not sure who made him, Darkhorse maybe?
Wabbit Wampage!!!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Votomian Planetary Defense Force

My slowly growing Votomian PDF. About 65 troopers painted give or take. Mostly made up of old Rogue Trader era Imperial Army with a growing number of newer Catachan and Cadian troops (metal of course).
I still have a couple dozen troopers to paint up plus several heavy weapons.

The nice thing about building a PDF force is I can use pretty much anything I want to keep with the ad-hoc militia feel.

Votomian MKII camouflage. 
I got about 2/3rds of the way through painting these guys until I finally settled on a proper camouflage pattern. This gentleman represent the ideal camo scheme I'll try to stick to from now on, while the majority of my troopers have a thicker blobular pattern which I refer to as MKI.

The Troops:
My typical anti-duplicate ethos has led to a few head swaps along with several Stetsons and campaign hats.

Thanks for looking.  Hopefully more on the way.